The Role of English in Acquiring Life Skills for Better Career Prospects: A Webinar organised by Sharda University
The abruptly spreaded Covid 19 and lockdown as a result of it has just stopped the human life in all the fields. But it’s truly said that Necessity is the mother of invention.. in beginning we were shocked, tired and bored but gradually we the human being realise the need of learning, the need of being active in life and we came with a solution in the form of various digital initiatives taken by the government and many institutions and widely accepted by people across the nation or even the entire world. To attend webinars on different topics become a new normal for human life.
Here I am sharing my experience of attending one such webinar and that is The Role of English in Acquiring Life Skills for Better Career Prospects: A Webinar organised by Sharda University
Entire the session was coordinated by Ms Pooja Mann and the expert talk was delivered by Prof. Shabina N Omar. Here I am trying to share the overview of her presentation which I have noted down.
She has simplified the topic of her presentation from the beginning itself by providing a meaning of Life Skills in easy language.
Then she has differentiated GOOD and EFFECTIVE person. A person having a set of enough life skills which includes both Soft skills and Hard skills. The list of life skills provided by WHO includes:
👉 Communication and interpersonal skills
👉Decision making and Problem solving
👉Creative and critical thinking
👉Self awareness and empathy (Emotional intelligence)
Then she has elaborated the Life Skills required in the contemporary life which includes:
👉Social Skill
Then she discussed the Goal in life, it should be SMART
Then she distinguished Soft skills and Hard skills. Hard skills can be taught in educational institutions by teachers or elders and it is related to IQ whereas Soft skills are something related to EQ and can not be taught but should be acquired from life itself. To require such skills in life language plays an imminent role. And specially English is very useful for a person to acquire skills.
“Technology helps one to learn many languages but English helps him or her to reach technology itself.”
A person working in any field or willing to set career in any field will definitely require communication skills and that too in English as it is the Global language and Second language for a number of countries.
It was followed by question answer session with the expert.
It was indeed a very good experience to listen such an expert Prof. Shabina Omar .