Stephen Jay Greenblatt (born November 7, 1943) is an American literary critic, theorist, scholar, and Pulitzer Prize winning author. Greenblatt is regarded by many as one of the founders of New Historicism, a set of critical practices that he often refers to as "cultural poetics"; his works have been influential since the early 1980s when he introduced the term. Greenblatt has written and edited numerous books and articles relevant to new historicism, the study of culture, Renaissance studies and Shakespeare studies and is considered to be an expert in these fields. Being a core founder of New Historicism Theory, Greenblatt first used the term “new historicism” in his 1982 introduction to The Power of Forms in the English Renaissance.
In his essay, The Circulation of Social Energy, an essay from the text, Shakespearean Negotiations: The Circulation of Social Energy in Renaissance England Stephen Greenblatt shows how a work written by a dead author of a dead culture can still be relevant today, through what he describes allegorically as “social energy,” or the processes of cultural action or engineering and modifications by the society. His theory comes from his urge to find out what really allows an author or enables an author to speak from the dead by believing in the ‘Confrontation between a total artist and totalizing society.’
No totalizing originator: contingency
The first basic assumption of Greenblatt’s is a twofold and interlinked one: that there does not exist a “total artist,” from which an entirety of a text has originated, as if in a vacuum, or in complete and total self-deferential inspiration: There is
“no originary moment, no pure act of untrammeled creation.”
And similarly, or indeed adversely, when seen from society at large, there does not exist a totalizing society, i.e. a ruling power perfectly ideologically coherent. So, importantly, rather than a text having a monolithic originator in a society of a stable basis of power, a text comes into existence, or indeed, into play, within a heterogeneous society, where there is a variegated complex of sources for both power and meaning, making both text and society places for
“institutional and ideological contestation.”
Thus, a text is not, and should not be analyzed as, an abstracted, autonomous entity, but in relation to, and as part of, a distinct social and cultural environment (or context, or indeed co-text), what Greenblatt terms its “shared contingency.” Greenblatt, a text emerges in an interplay between forces in this heterogeneous society; thus, a text might be regarded as a confluence (point, or zone, or perchance just confluence) of cultural and societal elements, meeting, interacting, and displaying for, and in interaction with, an audience – be that audience contemporary or future. However, as Greenblatt says, his main project is not to strip away and discard the enchanted impression of aesthetic autonomy but to inquire into the objective conditions of this enchantment, to discover how the traces of social circulation are effaced.
To explain this, at this point we must assume another set of underlying assumptions: That there exists a sort of social energy, with the capacity for circulatory power; that the effacement of this circulation is possible, i.e. that it can be perceived, extracted, collected, and displayed; that this process imbues a work with a certain enchantment; and that the conditions for this enchantment can be studied objectively. So, the projection, display, production, effacement of these traces of social energy, in may be the interstitial spaces, the margins, borders, cracks, the demarcation lines, i.e. the contingencies interstitial in the sites or zones set aside for literary production and consumption by these same margins –and here, laudably, Greenblatt wants it both ways – where the conditions for enchantment can be found, may be the process by which a text is empowered with social energy – and to discover, unravel and objectively describe this process, may be the endeavor for a literary critic in the new historicist tradition.
Texts appear in a
“subtle, elusive set of exchanges, a network of trades and trade-offs, a jostling of competing representations, a negotiation between joint-stock companies.”
This is the environment wherein a dynamic exchange] of social energy can unfold. Dynamic exchange of social energy: the mirror Greenblatt reiterates (or more appropriately, appropriates) the metaphor of a mirror, the text as a mirror of society, to illustrate how this dynamic exchange is undertaken. Importantly, the mirror is not objective, nor neutral; according to Greenblatt, it has a knowledge, and that which it represents, it
“intensifies, diminishes, or even evacuates.”
Again, for this to work, we must assume another underlying assumption: The establishment of certain zones, set aside by demarcation lines, across which something is moved, for the specific purpose of mirroring, from one institutional(ized) set of social and cultural practices (for example, Society at Large; Christian Liturgy) into another (for example, The Stage): For something to be mirrored on stage or in text, we must assume a joint understanding that that which signifies or represents the mirrored something is placed into a certain exclusive and already existing zone, wherein the object is not itself, but a signifier of a something signified.
Greenblatt describes three distinct processes of, and preconditions for, dynamic exchange: First, through the process of appropriation, i.e. the freely taking for use of already existing objects belonging to the public domain, e.g. language, which is a ready-made more or less collectively agreed-upon collection of meaningful signifiers; or the easily appropriated, like the working class, or Nature, or History. Second, through purchase, which is precisely what it is, e.g. of costumes and the like. And third, through what he terms symbolic acquisition, which is the employment of known symbols; familiar institutionalized social practices; or known metaphors –either directly, or indirectly through already established circumlocutory strategies.
Albeit different strategies, the overarching dynamic is this: That there are already known, pre-existing forms in society; that these form can be staged, and for effect; and that in a joint social enterprise dependent upon the foreknowledge of the audience and the participatory interpretation of the represented reality on stage, this effect is collectively produced. For example, language is both collective, and a collective enterprise. The meaning, force, energy embedded in language is thus dependent on the collective, and necessarily pre-dates any writing of text – but still, a preexistent collective knowledge of language is a precondition for a text to function socially, for example when staged.
Throughout this process, a gradual institutionalization of a set of social practices, with a set of behavioral norms, designated roles, and a more or less distinctly defined geography will emerge – and create, for want of a better word, a genre. However, this is not fixed, and the unfixedness, and possibility for unfixing, is part of what makes it possible to continue the dynamic exchange between what is outside and inside the precarious boundaries set up, i.e. everything in society at large that shares contingency with the stage or the text. These processes of dynamic exchange, of cultural transactions, are how
“great works of art are empowered,”
and whereby the
“social energy initially encoded in those works”
make them so powerful for us today.
As we have discussed above, one of the main endeavours of Greenblatt’s is to objectively describe this process of empowerment. And this is a salient point in his essay, and one that he does not argue convincingly. As Greenblatt says, nothing is really taken, only signified, represented, on stage – but the critical question is still how this is successfully done, to encode life, enchantment, social energy, into a text.
What is social energy?
Power, charisma, sexual excitement, collective dreams, wonder, desire, anxiety, religious awe, free-floating intensities of experience … everything produced by the society can circulate unless it is deliberately excluded from circulation. The successful encoding of some or all of these elements in a text or play would enchant it, and, in some cases, make us able to “speak with the dead.” But what makes it successfully done? What about the composition (or indeed, co-positioning) of all these different and various representational elements, all these artifacts? The success would depend in large part on how expertly, accurately, importantly, interestingly, significantly, this is done – and further, how significantly this is perceived to be (done) by the audience – for the work to amass the necessary social energy to be imbued with the right amount needed for a work to
“generate the illusions of life for centuries.”
There might not exist an “expressive essence”that can be singled out or identified, but that does not mean that there cannot be an organizer of expressions. This may also be a beginning to an answer to why some plays survive across the centuries, whereas others are forgotten – despite being conceived in the same cultural context, with the same kinds of social energy floating about.
Based on the above discussed points from Stephen Greenbalt's theory The Circulation of Social Energy, it can be said that the circulation of social energy is an important part of any well structured society.