Sunday, October 4, 2020

Different types of Vakrokti


  • Introduction 

‘Kāvya’ or poetry consists of a cooperative conjunction of words and their meaning. Above all such a conjunction must be significant and striking. By the word ‘striking’ or ‘vakra’ Bhāmaha means that kind of expression where, 

“…more is meant than, meets the ear”

The term Vakrokti, thus, is made of two words, ‘vakra’ that means ‘striking’ or ‘statement’. Hence, Vakrokti means “Striking or indirect speech or statement”

However, the concept of Vakrokti had been discussed by various critics; it was Kuntaka, who intensely thought on various aspects of Vakrokti. (Jogia) 

  • Vakroktijivita by Kuntaka 

Under the title of Vakroktijivita, Kuntaka discussed in detail, the whole range of activity of a writer, dividing into four Unmesas. The title, Vakroktijivita means ‘Revival of Vakrokti’ or better, 

“Figurative expression as the essence, or the soul of poetry.”

According to Bhamaha, Kuntaka held that, whatever beautiful and miraculous takes place in poetry is the consequence of Vakrokti. It was poetry, primarily, made of two elements word and meaning. These elements are embellished by Vakrokti. Elaborating upon Bhamaha’s definition of poetry: 

“Sabdārthaw Sahitau Kāvyam.” (Bhāmaha) 

Kuntaka argued that neither word nor meaning and it’s purposeful accompaniment (sahit) can create poetry. It is with the uniqueness of poetic language that poetry is created and this literary quality of a work can be discerned and recognized as Vakrokti. Kuntaka rejects Svabhāvokti as a figure of speech on the ground that, if it were a figure of speech, than even our daily discourse should have been poetic. (Jogia) 

  • Concept of Vakrokti 

Vakrokti is a manifestation of the basic obliquity of the poet’s creative process. Kuntaka defines it thus, 

“Vaidaghyam vidagdhabhāvah, Kavikarmakavsalam tasya bhangivicchiti, taya Bhanitih vicitraivabhidhā vakroktirityucate.” (Vakroktijivitam)  

The definition suggests that Vakrokti is an expression made possible by Vaidagdhya (skilled style) Vaidgdhata means an expression through poetic endeavor, skill, and elegance. The two words central to Kuntaka’s definition are: 

Vicitra that means use of different or strange expression from well-known manner. 

Prasidhdha that means style used in customary practice and treatises. (Jogia) 

  • Types of Vakrokti 

1. Varna-Vinyāsa Vakratā  (Phonetic Obliquity)

Varna-Vinyāsa Vakratā includes repetation of similar sounds at regular at intervals by the arrangements of syllables and use of alliteration and rhyme or Sabdalankar and Lāvanya Guna in poetry. (Jogia-31)  

2. Pada-Purvārdh Vakrata  (Lexical Obliquity)

Pada Purvārdh vakrata or lexical obliquity includes stylistic choice in vocabulary, metaphor power of adjective and suggestive use of linguistic elements. (Jogia-31) 

3. Pada-Pratyay Vakrata  (Grammatical Obliquity)

Pada-Pratyay Vakrata includes all possibilities of varying the grammatical construction of an expression of an exposition that is suggestive of the skillful use of affixes, personification, and so on. (Jogia-31) 

4. Vākya Vakrata  (Sentential Obliquity)

Vākya Vakrata includes the figure of sense. They are thousands in number. Its effect can be compared to painter’s masterstroke that grows out from the beauty of the material used. (Jogia-31) Vākya vakrata is of two types: 

Sahaja- It is natural obliquity, which is mostly created without use of figures of speech. 

Aharya- It is called imposed obliquity, which is mostly created with figures of speech. 

5. Prakaran Vakrata  (Contextual Obliquity)

Prakaran Vakrata includes the episode or particular topic in the plot with unity, ingenuity, systematic unfolding and the technique of ‘garbhanka’ that is ‘a play within the play’. (Jogia-31) Prakarana Vakrata is of three types: 

Bhāvapurnasthiti Vakrata- It is the obliquity of emotional state, which means to maintain the suspense in the story. 

Upkārya Upkārabhāva Vakrata- It is also known as obliquity of episodic relationship. It requires the logical connection among all the events, or plot and subplot/s. 

Utpādya Lāvanya Vakrata- It is the modification in the source of the story. It means to modify the original source in order to give it uniqueness, or to make it more relevant to the present scenario. 

6. Prabandh Vakrata  (Compositional Obliquity)

In the composition of a whole or whole plot with well knitting and originality is called Prabandh Vakrata or compositional obliquity. (Jogia-31) 


Bhadra, Krishna. "Kuntaka and his art of literary criticism." (1998). 

Kuntaka, and K. Krishnamoorthy. The Vakrokti-jīvita of Kuntaka. Karnatak University, 1977.

Jogia , Hirak. “M.A. Part-II - Dr. Virambhai R. Godhaniya College, Porbandar.”,



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