Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Historical Development of CALL

Technology Assisted Language Learning:

In the present era of Information Communication and Technology, Technology becomes an integral part of human life specially for youngsters. Learners use technology in their day to day life, for communication, learning, getting information, entertainment, and so on. In this condition, if a language teacher will use ICT tools for language teaching, students will enjoy learning. Keeping in mind such ideology of learners, many teachers have started using technology based language teaching methods in their classrooms. Instead of teaching with chalk and board, teachers use new trends of language teaching i.e. Computer Assisted Language Learning.

What is Computer Assisted Language Learning?

Computer Assisted Language Learning is widely known as CALL. It is in simple words, the use of computer for learning any language. CALL can be defined as:
Any process in which a learner uses a computer and, as a result, improves his or her language.
Thus, we can say that, CALL means, any use of computer technology in the domain of language learning. The main aim for using CALL is to make the teaching and learning process easy and convenient to both teacher and learners as well.

History of CALL:

From the beginning of CALL, it has focused on the development of technological tools for language learning and various theories for the implementation of CALL in the classrooms. According to Warschauer, history of CALL can be divided into three parts:
  1. Behaviouristic CALL
  2. Communicative CALL
  3. Integrative CALL
Let us discuss these three parts in detail.

Behaviouristic CALL:

Technological Development

Main Frame and Mini Computer
1965- Basic language was developed.
1972- C language was developed.
1975- Formation of Microsoft by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.

Approaches to Language Teaching

Structural approach
Experimental method
Audio Lingual Method

Principles of language learning

Practice and habit formation
Focus on drill and practice.
Language can be learnt through habit formation

Communicative CALL:

Technological Development

Personal Computers PCs
1980 - Development of MS DOC/ PC DOS began by Microsoft
1982 - Compaq released their IBM PC compatible
1983 - Apple Macintosh was released

Approaches to language teaching

Communicative Language Teaching
Cognitive approach
Psychological approach

Principles of language learning

Focus on the fluency of students
Practice from regular life conversations
Communicative competence is the desired goal
Focus on the use of language

Integrative CALL:

Integrative approaches to CALL are based on two important technological development:
  1. Multi media CALL
  2. Web based CALL

Multi media CALL:

Technological Development

Multi media CD ROM
1982 - Audio CD was introduced
1993 - a CD ROM was introduced

Approaches to language teaching

Use of authentic, contextualized, and meaningful material
Humanistic approach
Focus on fluency

Principles to language learning

A more authentic language learning environment was created
Focus on LSRW Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing
Focus on both content and language skills

Web based CALL:

Technological Development

Computer mediated Communication (CMC)
1989 - World Wide Web the integration of hypertext and the internet was invented by Tim Berners Lee
1990 - Internet applications such as email, FTP, etc became popular.

Approaches to language teaching

Communicative Language Teaching
Focus on using internet applications for language teaching
Dynamic curriculum
The role of a teacher is now as a facilitator

Principles to language learning

Effective communication with the use of internet
Learner can interact with learners and teachers as well
Creativity of learners

Future of CALL:

From 1950s CALL has been used by teachers in their language classrooms, from Behavioristic CALL to Integrative CALL, teacher's role has been changed from a teacher to instructor to facilitator. For any language teacher it is must to be familiar with use of technology for language teaching otherwise it's possible that they may be replaced by computers in future.
Technology will never
replace the great teachers,
But technology in the hands
of great teachers is
_George Couros

  1. http://www.slideshare.net/norielr/computer-assisted-language-learning-call-21549948?from_m_app=android
  2. http://www2.nkfust.edu.tw/~emchen/CALL/unit1.htm


  1. Well explain the role of technology as a bridge between teacher and student

  2. Language learning becomes intrestiinting and we can learn anytime anywhere.

  3. Very good content and information for a good preparation.its helpful and useful for making a good sense about CALL. An appreciatable work

  4. Nicely presented every point with appropriate examples.

  5. Very interesting and useful material about CALL.

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