Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Massive Open Online Courses

  • Introduction

There are two types of teaching:
1. Online Teaching
2. Offline Teaching
It was a time when students learnt from books and blackboard but it is a time that students wish to learn from screens. So, nowadays Online Teaching like MOOC, Ted education, Gamification, Blog, etc. are popular among teachers and students. MOOC is one of the most popular among these methods.

  • What is MOOC?
Massive: large number of enrollment of learners
Open: open for all (no mandatory qualification)
Online: fully online
Courses: structured course content   
So, MOOC is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web.

  • Basic Philosophy of MOOC

Anytime Anywhere Anyone

  • Platforms for MOOC
Swayam Prabha 

  • Features of MOOC

  1. E tutorials: Video lectures by subject experts
  2. E content: Reading material
  3. Quiz: Self-assessment and graded quiz
  4. Discussion Forum: Students and teacher can interact

  • Types of Courses on MOOC

  1. Audited Courses: For learning purpose only
  2. Certificate Courses: For learning and certificate both purposes
  3. Specialised Courses: Specialization on particular subject 
  • How to use MOOC?

Step 1 
Select the platform
Step 2 
Create account
Step 3 
Choose course
Step 4 
Enrol or join the course 
Step 5 
Go through the course   



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